Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Our 4 pound baby turns 4 years old

Today Ayden Keith turned 4 years old! Everyone says time flies when you have kids but I never understood that fully until today. Ayden is no longer a "baby" but a little boy. I had a very special day planned for him but he woke up this morning with a really bad cold. As most of you know a cold is not a simple thing for Ayden with his eating issues and asthma so I felt especially sad that he had to go through this on his birthday. He is lucky to be surrounded by family that love him so much. We spent a pajama day (he wore his new Mickey Mouse ones from Abuela) playing all his new toys and he had visits from Grandma, Grandpa, and Auntie Lindsey.

He was so excited about the cake I made him that he convinced me to cut it at 4 a little bit before daddy got home. Don't worry we put candles on and repeated the whole thing for daddy and he got the biggest smile. This may have not been the day we had planned but I think it turned out to be a special day that was focused on celebrating this amazing little boy! Enjoy some pictures.

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