Tuesday, August 2, 2011

End of July

The boys have been enjoying their new kiddie pool sent up from Abuela and Abuelo. It helps to keep them occupied on these scorching days right now.
Right now Chase wants to do anything and everything Ayden is doing. Some of his favorite quotes are "No, I am fine mom", "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, time out", "ready, set, go", and "daddy baby". We make almost daily trips to the park and have picnic lunches there and enjoy picnic dinners on our deck. We are so lucky to have a nice yard and plenty of space for the boys to play in. Chase is obsessed with any kind of construction truck so we enjoy going and getting up close to all the houses under construction and watching it right from our window. It is hard work entertaining, feeding, and keeping up with these boys but I know these are the happiest times in our family and I am cherishing this summer with my little boys.
We are going to try and make lots of memories in the next month before Ayden turns 4 in September. Time really does go by so much faster when you have kids. I know now this is not just a saying but the truth.

I found an app on my phone that allows me to post pictures and videos directly to this blog from my phone. I look forward to posting short things more often like I did this week with the videos. Enjoy the last pictures from this month. https://picasaweb.google.com/102484848572828746251/July2011?authkey=Gv1sRgCPyx_YXOrsOtSw

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