Monday, January 10, 2011

Changes in the New Year

Both boys have rang in 2011 with some pretty big "changes". Ayden is officially being potty trained and is doing wonderfully. Apparently he can be bribed and Thomas the Train has really helped this process. He is catching on very quickly (with hardly any accidents) and we are so proud of him being such a big boy!

Chase is 14 months old and is eating everything in sight. He also has dropped his morning nap. I must say I think this is much more of an adjustment for me than him since now I have not time to get dressed in the morning. He is sleeping great though at night so I can't complain. He is talking really well. He says momma, dadda, brother, grandpa, grandma, ball, all done, more, milk, breakfast, blanket and is trying to say many other things as well.
Today we have lots of snow in Knoxville and are enjoying our time indoors looking at how beautiful it is outside. Happy 2011! We are so excited about the many things we have in store watching these boys discover things and grow as well as building our home starting this Saturday!

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